나는 나를 다른 사람과 비교하지 않고 오직 어제의 나와 비교합니다
올바른 비교대상 / 조던 피터슨 (Jordan Peterson) - Day 96 of Day 100갑부되기 프로젝트/동기부여 모닝콜 2022. 7. 6. 20:22
Compare yourself to who you were yesterday, not to who someone else is today. 스스로를 오늘의 남들과 비교하는 것이 아닌, 어제의 나와 비교해라. You're individually positioned in all those dimensions. Your life isn't like anyone else's life. And so you see someone who's doing better than you, it's like you're only seeing one dimension at one slice of time. You don't have insight into the tragedy of someone else's life. When..