좋은 사람들
12월 17일 긍정 파워 / Dec. 17 Positive Power-up생활/Positive Power-up 2021. 12. 17. 22:43
I am thankful for the good people surrounding me. Good people have positive energy and share their one with others. As a result, that makes chain and then affects positively. I have a lot of good people everywhere such as home, workplace, and soccer team. With those people, I have improved myself. I am so appreciated that. 나의 주변에 좋은 사람들이 많아서 감사합니다. 좋은 사람들은 좋은 에너지를 가지고 있고 그것들을 다른이들에게 나눠 줍니다. 이러한 ..