I use my strengths to create my own content
게리 비 (Gary Vee) - Day 73 of Day 100갑부되기 프로젝트/동기부여 모닝콜 2022. 6. 13. 20:56
If you're sitting in the crowd and you're not doing this work, it's only two things and they're both interesting. One is audacity. Or you've lost your ambition which is okay. I don't think of that as a bad thing. But don't lie to yourself. And understand yourself where you are in your journey. 만약 당신이 군중 속에 앉아있고 이 일을 하고 있지 않다면 그것은 단지 두 가지이며 둘 다 흥미롭지 않다. 하나는 대담성이다. 아니면 야망을 잃어버린 건데 괜찮다. 나쁜 것이라고 생각하..