12월 21일 긍정 파워 / Dec. 21 Positive Power-up생활/Positive Power-up 2021. 12. 21. 22:19
I am grateful for Jon's present yesterday. It was a good time to focus on my body and think about my health. So, when I was on the way home, I declared that I will take care of my health more carefully. I will do work out at least 30 mins a day. Thanks again, Jon. 어제 존의 선물에 감사합니다. 내 몸에 집중 할 수 있는 시간이었고, 나의 건강에 대해 생각할 수 있었습니다. 그래서 집으로 가는 길에, 내 몸을 좀 더 주의깊게 돌봐야겠다고 선언했었습니다. 최소한 하루에 30분씩 운동할 것입니다. 존 고..
12월 9일 긍정 파워 / Dec. 09 Positive Power-up생활/Positive Power-up 2021. 12. 9. 21:56
I am thankful for my health. A couple of days ago, Wes and I talk about hurting eyes with dumpsters. And I said sometimes I imagine what if I would be a disabled person such as losing my hand or foot. I know what is normal life is and what are common things in my life, but everything would not be normal. It will be so painful for myself and my surrounding people. So, I am trying to keep being he..