12월 20일 긍정 파워 / Dec. 20 Positive Power-up생활/Positive Power-up 2021. 12. 20. 21:54
I am thankful for a nice weekend. My wife and I were invited friend's home and had a good lunch together. It is always a good time to have good people. And also I enjoyed Sunday for myself. It's been a long time ago to take a nap. It charged me to have energy. I loved to enjoy the peaceful weekend. 좋은 주말을 가진 것에 감사합니다. 와이프와 저는 친구 집에 초대를 받았고 그곳에서 맛있는 점심을 함께 했습니다. 항상 좋은 사람들과 가지는 시간은 멋진 일입니다. 그리고 일요..
12월 10일 긍정 파워 / Dec. 10 Positive Power-up생활/Positive Power-up 2021. 12. 10. 22:27
Today's positive power-up is that I am thankful to have a new day. Yesterday I listened to a podcast on the way to go home. The host said you are so lucky because you could wake up today and over 800,000 people couldn't do with some reason. I thought I am a lucky and happy person. That is my positive power up for today. 오늘의 긍정 파워는 새로운 하루를 가져서 감사합니다. 어제 집으로 가는 길에 팟캐스트를 들었습니다. 호스트가 말하길 당신은 행운아입니다...
Dec. 07 Positive Power-up생활/Positive Power-up 2021. 12. 7. 22:12
Positive power-up is that I am thankful to realize happiness cannot be a goal. It is one of the means to reach a goal like money. I mean a happy life cannot be my goal, yet I can achieve my goal through a happy life. So, people need to realize happiness does not be a purpose because feeling happy in your life makes you achieve your goal. Just try to feel a little happiness such as after work a c..
Dec. 02 Positive Power-up생활/Positive Power-up 2021. 12. 2. 22:15
Today's positive power-up is thankful for the satisfaction I possess now such as my family, friends, house and so on. Family and friends are always supporting and encouraging me. Objects like house and car stuff give me the motivation to gain. I remember the day I got the PR card in the morning. For 2 or 3 hours I was super happy and excited. Yet, I felt empty because I lost my way, I got the PR..