나의 가치를 높이는 법
나의 가치를 높이는 법 / 바네사 밴 에드워즈 (Vanessa Van Edwards) - Day 50 of Day 100갑부되기 프로젝트/동기부여 모닝콜 2022. 5. 20. 21:07
Step #1 Do You Underestimate Yourself? - 스스로를 과소평과하고 있는가? I can't expect other people to find me worthy if I don't find myself worthy. So I have a little exercise, and it's the start of the Success file which is a way to remind yourself of all of your strengths, your capability, your successes. In the success files; Kind emails, Recommendations or Endorsements, Nice Comments, Letters and thank-y..