Day 75
명상을 하는 이유 / 에밀리 플레처 (Emily Fletcher) - Day 75 of Day 100갑부되기 프로젝트/동기부여 모닝콜 2022. 6. 15. 20:30
에밀리 플레처는 명상 전문가로서 '아무것도 하지 않은 하루 15분의 기적(Stress less, Accomplish more: Meditation for busy minds)의 저자이기도 하다. Meditation can make you better at life. When you're stressed, you're wasting your mental and physical energy. So you're not able to show up as the most amazing version of yourself. If you're committing to a daily discipline of meditating, then you basically have more cylinders to have mor..