I clear my mind by letting go of the past and have full of wealthinking
부모님으로부터의 상처를 치유하는 법 / 조던 피터슨 (Jordan Peterson) - Day 46 of Day 100갑부되기 프로젝트/동기부여 모닝콜 2022. 5. 16. 20:22
What resentment do you have about your parents? List them out and write them down. Write that down and then see, which ones are still living? Then you have to figure out what you want from your parents exactly. 부모님에 대한 어떤 분노를 가지고 있나? 그것들을 나열하고 적어라. 그것을 적고 난 뒤에 어떤 것들이 여전히 살아있는지 보아라. 그런 후에 부모님에게 바라는 것이 정확하게 무엇인지 알아내라. I would say what's really core is if there are ways that your parents treated yo..