Positive Power-up
12월 15일 긍정 파워 / Dec. 15 Positive Power-up생활/Positive Power-up 2021. 12. 15. 22:32
I am thankful for my patience and self-motivative skill. Since I decided to get up at 4:30, I have not given up because I know what I should do for my dream and goal. Of course, I am not going to focus on that too much like a racehorse, but when it is needed to immerse, I will do it. Keep going things what I have been doing and finally I will achieve everything. 나의 끈기와 자기 동기부여 기술에 감사합니다. 4시 30분에..
12월 13일 긍정 파워 / Dec. 13 Positive Power-up생활/Positive Power-up 2021. 12. 13. 22:03
I am grateful to meet Team CPS members and introduce my wife to members. I really enjoyed the dinner party at Wesley's House. In the beginning, it was quite awkward. But Curtis told me to be yourself. and then I enjoyed the party. CPS팀 멤버들을 만났고, 와이프를 멤버들에게 소개 시켜주어서 감사합니다. Wes의 집에서의 디너 파티를 즐겼습니다. 처음에는 어색했지만, 커리스가 눈치보지 말라고 이야기 해주어서 즐기게 되었습니다.
12월 10일 긍정 파워 / Dec. 10 Positive Power-up생활/Positive Power-up 2021. 12. 10. 22:27
Today's positive power-up is that I am thankful to have a new day. Yesterday I listened to a podcast on the way to go home. The host said you are so lucky because you could wake up today and over 800,000 people couldn't do with some reason. I thought I am a lucky and happy person. That is my positive power up for today. 오늘의 긍정 파워는 새로운 하루를 가져서 감사합니다. 어제 집으로 가는 길에 팟캐스트를 들었습니다. 호스트가 말하길 당신은 행운아입니다...
Dec. 08 Positive Power-up생활/Positive Power-up 2021. 12. 8. 21:49
I am grateful for a relaxed time with a cup of coffee every morning. Right after morning meditation, I look out the window. There are a few lights on the street and a little car passing by my house. It is quite good to have time like this because this makes me peace and calm. Due to that time, I can start my day in a stable, comfortable state. 매일 아침 커피 한 잔의 여유에 감사합니다. 아침 명상 바로 직후에 창문 밖을 내다 봅니다. ..
Dec. 03 Positive Power-up생활/Positive Power-up 2021. 12. 3. 22:12
My positive power-up is every decision I did. Through the meditation, I looked into myself. Today's Jinsung is made in choices that I could have whether those are good or not. Sometimes I made a bad one and too much effort to fix it in a good way. But, from that, I could learn something as well. I believe these processes are making me a good person. 나의 긍정파워는 내가 한 모든 선택들이다. 명상을 통해서, 내 자신을 돌아보았다. ..
Dec. 02 Positive Power-up생활/Positive Power-up 2021. 12. 2. 22:15
Today's positive power-up is thankful for the satisfaction I possess now such as my family, friends, house and so on. Family and friends are always supporting and encouraging me. Objects like house and car stuff give me the motivation to gain. I remember the day I got the PR card in the morning. For 2 or 3 hours I was super happy and excited. Yet, I felt empty because I lost my way, I got the PR..
Nov. 25 Positive Power-up생활/Positive Power-up 2021. 11. 25. 21:44
I'm grateful to learn something new today. I learned box breathing and tried to do it during meditation. At the first time, it was hard to do, but I'm getting used to it. It will help me reduce stress and improve my moods such as increasing mental clarity, energy and focus. Changing from a little thing will improve me a lot someday. That's my positive power-up today. 오늘 새로운 것을 배우게 되어 감사하다. 박스 호흡..
Nov. 24 Positive Power-up생활/Positive Power-up 2021. 11. 24. 22:18
Grateful for having a nice and calm morning. It was good timing to space out by looking outside throughout the window. After that, my mind is like being clear and organized. I liked that feeling and it maybe make my day to be great! 차분하고 좋은 아침을 맞이해서 감사하다. 창문을 통해 멍때리면서 밖을 보기에 좋은 시간이었다. 멍때리는 것을 그만두니 머리가 깨끗하고 정리된 느낌이 들었다. 그 기분은 좋았고, 오늘 좋은 하루를 만들어 줄 것 같다.