퀀텀 점프
실패를 추구해라 / Seek Failure - 15갑부 Mind Set/You² 2022. 5. 2. 11:51
Quantum leaps demand a willingness to make mistakes. 퀀텀 리프는 실수하려는 의지를 요구한다. You cannot hole up in the safe zone of behaviour where you have beaten the odds of failing. An unwillingness to encounter defeat or run into the problems outlaws quantum leaps. Unless you allow yourself to make mistakes, to fail, you will never have the opportunity to test the limits of what you truly are capable of acco..
당신의 재능을 열어라 / Open Your Gifts -17갑부 Mind Set/You² 2022. 4. 5. 20:32
You have many gifts that you've never opened. These are gifts of talent, ability, and "reach" that are yours for the taking. 당신은 열어보지 않은 재능들이 많이 가지고 있다. 이것들은 당신이 가진 재능, 능력, 그리고 손에 넣는 재능들 입니다. The people we call gifted are different from the crowd in one very special way. They accepted their gifts. They "let it happen." The high achievers, the persons you admire, are those individuals who opened ..
상식이 허용하는 것 이상으로 생각 해라 / Think beyond what common sense would allow - 09갑부 Mind Set/You² 2022. 3. 22. 21:14
Most of us can be found flying too close to the ground. Too often we don't get ourselves permission to soar. 대부분의 우리들은 땅에서 너무 가깝게 날고 있는 것을 볼 수 있습니다. 우리는 우리 자신에게 떠오르는 것을 허락을 해주지 않을 때가 너무 많다. It's time to start focusing on possibilities, rather than on limits or obstacles. Making a quantum leap means moving outside your mental boundaries. If you will rethink how you're thinking, you can multiply y..